Captivate And Connect

Turn your cold leads into raving fans and eager customers

Discover the secrets to captivating your ideal audience, connecting with them to build the crucial like, know, and trust factor, and leading them on the buyer's journey so they're eagerly waiting to hand over their credit card and purchase your offer.

If you have a lead magnet but you aren't turning leads into customers, I'm willing to bet you've done one or more of these things...

  • You created a lead magnet without a strategy or plan
  • You're filling your list with the wrong people 
  • Your welcome sequence was non-existent or inadequate 
  • You created a list but you've ignored it so long they no longer know who you are
  •  You're trying to sell to a cold audience instead of nurturing them

If that's you, don't worry, we're about to fix that!

As a copywriter, I've worked with hundreds of coaches and course creators who...

>>created a lead magnet that attracted the wrong audience to their email list
>>crafted a stagnant landing page that didn't get clicks
>>lost their audience as soon as they received their lead magnet
>>built a list but ignored it because they didn't know what to say

It wasn't my clients' fault and it's not your fault either

You've probably been led to believe that all you have to do is create a lead magnet, people sign up and then buy your course.

While in theory, that's the scenario, there's more to it than that.

You need an irresistible lead magnet to attract the perfect-fit people who are primed to buy your course.

You need a welcome sequence that captivates them and makes them want more of you and what you offer.

You need to warm them up with weekly emails that connect with them so they get to know,  like and trust you.

Each of those pieces needs to be strategically planned to lead your audience to your offer in a way that makes them eager to buy.

Are you ready to CAPTIVATE your on-fire fans and turn them into customers?

Find your ideal customer with a made-just-for-them irresistible lead magnet.

Discover how to build a relationship with your list that makes them want to come back for more.

Get to authentically know your audience so you can meet their needs and serve them better. 

Say goodbye to writer overwhelm by knowing exactly what to write and how to write it.

Captivate & Connect With Your Course Audience

Captivate & Connect is a four module, self-paced online program that takes you through phase one of my proprietary 3C Copy Launch System so you can start getting leads and guide your ideal audience on their journey to becoming your customers and clients. The training, templates,  and step-by-step process will help you create a must-have lead magnet to will captivate your ideal audience, write a sign-me-up-now landing page, and connect with your audience through an engaging welcome series and weekly nurture emails that won't take you hours to write!

You will:
>> Create a freebie that your audience actually wants and needs so you can grow your list with the right people
>> Design a professional looking lead magnet that you can't wait to send out 
>> Use copywriting strategies to create landing pages that actually get clicks without having to hire a copywriter
>> Write a welcome series to get to know your audience and welcome lead them to a low ticket offer or to book a call
>> Authentically nurture your audience with emails that will turn them into eager-to-buy customers
>> Say goodbye to the frustration and procrastination that has kept you stuck so you can get your course launch journey started and reach the clients waiting for your help

You'll Take These Actions to Get Actual Results:

Module 1

Lead Magnets That Captivate

  • Create an irresistible lead magnet to attract your ideal client and customers
  • Craft content that magnetizes your audience and makes them want more
  • Discover the secrets to designing lead magnets like a pro

Module 2

Sign-Up Worthy Landing Pages

  • Uncover the copywriting headline techniques that grab readers' attention
  • Create irresistible landing pages that get clicks and sign-ups
  • Access landing page templates and swipes for fast action with ease

Module 3

Captivating Welcome Sequences

  • Captivate your new audience with an engaging welcome series
  • Get to know your audience and start them on the buyer's journey
  • Use templates and swipe files for quick results

Module 4

Connect with Nurture Emails

  • Build connections and foster relationships
  • Plan weeks of nurture emails with the email planner worksheet and content planning toolkit
  • Know exactly what to send your audience and get them to open your emails

Here's what my clients are saying:

“Oh wow, the emails sound brilliant. I've been completely stuck and not starting my list because I didn't know what to write. This makes me feel excited to start sending emails.”

Anna Leggett


"Video modules were just the right length. I usually get stuck staring at a blank screen in my CRM. The templates allowed me to get started and then my own ideas flowed!"

Amanda Ling

Course Creator

“It has been such a great pleasure to work with Susan, and I couldn’t have done this without her help. All the copies have been taken to a whole new level!  🙂

Katrine Berge

CEO, Deva Yoga

Plus, you'll get these BONUSES:


Content Planner Toolkit

Don't stress about what to send your list. This repurposing guide, email idea list, content planner, and calendar at a glance makes it quick and simple!

$117 Value

10 Ways to Write Nurture emails that get read 

Nurture emails don't have to give away all of your best stuff. This guide shows 10 different types of emails to engage your audience and make them want more.

$37 Value

Re-engagement and Break Up emails

Been ignoring your email list?Watch this training and grab these templates to whip up your re-engagement or break up emails in no time!

$67 Value

Bonus 4:
AI Lead Magnet Magic

Fast track your lead magnet creation with a little help from this workbook that walks you through each step with AI prompts to use speed up the process.

$47 Value

Here's Everything That's Inside!

  • 8 quick action instructional videos
  • Lead magnet design tips
  • Lead magnet Canva templates
  • Lead magnet landing page tutorial and template
  • Complete welcome series and nurture email how-to's
  • Email and landing page swipe files
  • Email templates and swipe files
  • Email planner worksheet and checklist
  • Launch sequence and roadmap
  • Re-engagement and break-up series video
  • Content Planner Toolkit
  • 10 Nurture Emails That Get Read (guide)
  • AI Lead Magnet Magic

(Reg. $287)
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Captivate And Connect With Your Course Audience

$147 USD
  • 1-time payment

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Captivate And Connect With Your Course Audience

2 payments of

$79 USD

per month

  • 2 payments

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Don't take my word for it...

“This is a really awesome course! I feel more confident in my email sequence. I understand the importance and the why behind an email sequence. I'm more excited to plan and launch my course."

Amelia Moreno

Soul Alchemy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

“I was seriously struggling. I had tools and templates, but nothing felt like a good fit, and it was eating up all my time. But with Susan's help, things just clicked into place. Her breakdown of the email sequence was top-notch.”

Lynn Neville

Founder of Biz Boost HQ 

“Keep doing what you're doing. You have some very valuable information that people need. Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn with you."

Amy M.

Course Creator

Meet your copywriting mentor:

I’m Susan, your guide to writing launch copy that converts. I have helped hundreds of course creators and coaches write copy for their courses and services from welcome emails to sales pages and everything in between. And I can't wait to simplify the process for you!

Between my experience working with marketing coaches, writing launch copy, and serving as a copywriting coach, I bring a unique, well-rounded perspective on what works for creating a message that converts new customers.  

When I created Captivate & Connect, I took all the struggles my own clients had when they were creating their own lead magnets, trying to figure out landing pages, wondering what to say in a welcome sequence, and how to nurture their audience once they were on their list and packaged the answers into one course. The templates, swipes, sequences and videos are going to make stage one of your launch process a step-by-step breeze!

In case you were wondering...

No problem! In fact, it's perfect because Captivate & Convert will help you grow your list with the right audience for the course or service you want to sell. The content inside this course works for anyone who has an email list whether it's for a service, a product, or a course.

If you are just getting started with course creation, are in the process of launching a new course, or creating a new lead magnet, this is the course that will take you from lead magnet idea all the way through nurturing your new audience. That means you'll get the templates, processes, and sequencing for each step. You'll write and design your must-have lead magnet, write a landing page that attracts your ideal clients, follow-up with a welcome sequence that warms them up and transition to nurture emails that builds the trust, like, and know factor to turn your new audience into fans!

The course is self-paced so you can take as much or as little time as you would like. Realistically, if you set aside time you could complete the entire process in 2-3 days.

Captivate & Connect is for you if you are an online entrepreneur, coach or course creator who wants to...
✓ create a lead magnet that drives your ideal customer to your email list, is aligned with your course or service, and that makes you feel good!
✓ know what to say in your welcome emails to warm your audience up or lead them to a low ticket product or to book a call
✓ have templates and process at your fingertips to simplify the process and make writing your copy FAST
✓ finally know how to write click-worthy landing pages to grow your list
✓ stop operating on trial and error so you can save time and energy that you're wasting on Google and YouTube
✓ save money by not hiring a copywriter, but also want copy that sounds good and works
✓ eliminate second-guessing yourself and just get the work done (isn't it time to stop procrastinating?)

TOTAL VALUE = $1187 
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Your Investment Is  Only 2 Easy Payments of $79

Captivate And Connect With Your Course Audience

$147 USD
  • 1-time payment

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Captivate And Connect With Your Course Audience

2 payments of

$79 USD

per month

  • 2 payments

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